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Monday, January 18, 2010

Another prideful perspective

I have always been fascinated by my father's cross country bike trip stories. It is apparent that his bike trip was such a positive experience for him; the places he visited, the sights he saw, the friends he made -- he loved it all.

To this day, it is not uncommon for me to be watching some obscure movie with dad, in his "man cave" of course, only to be startled when he bellows (for those of you who know "Big Jay," you know what I mean), "Hey, check it out... That's Santa Fe. I was there on my bike trip. What a beautiful place. I was RIGHT THERE!

These moments often trigger dad's memory, and he goes on to tell me about his experience on a particular ride. He recalls everything with such great detail, and he tells his stories with such great pride. And I love hearing all about it --I always have.

Last week, I was fortunate enough to hear a new perspective. Same idea, different person. Dan (pictured above, right) and I worked together on the construction of Boston's newest, swankiest hotel and residences - the Mandarin Oriental. Dan is your classic "take pride in his work" type, and he has bailed me (and many of my former colleagues) out of more pinches than I care to admit.

Dan is also an avid cyclist. He pedaled across America in 1996 (virtually on the same route that I will be taking). Additionally, he toured through Switzerland, France, and Germany over the course of 10 days. Most recently, Dan "rode the west" -- he pedaled from Astoria, Oregon to Newport Beach, California. Suffice it to say that Dan is the man -- the guy gets it done!

When I told Dan that I was doing a cross country trip, he suggested that I join him and his wife for dinner at their house so that he could share with me his cross country experience. I was happy to oblige.

It was great to hear about all of Dan's cycling experiences. I had a great time looking at his binder full of memos, maps, and memories as well as the countless photos that documented his voyages. But what I found most fascinating was the smile that Dan wore and the sense of pride that he exuded as he told me about it. I have so many times seen that same look and swagger in my father.

I immediately became even more fired up for my upcoming trip (I did not think that was possible). Although I have observed the sense of pride that comes with completing a cross country bike trip in both Dan and in my father, the reality is that I truly cannot relate to it. I appreciate it, and I respect it, but I am not a member of the cross country club -- not yet, at least. But I will be soon enough! Until then, it's back to training.


  1. I've never met anyone who has biked across country and you know two??!!! That is crazy...clearly I must hang out with slackers.

    LOL...told you I would be a blog stalker.


  2. Hey Cathy

    I appreciate the "blog stalking" -- probably the only type of stalking that is acceptable (that, and facebook stalking of course). I will do my best to keep the posts coming so that you can continue your mission. As always, thanks for your support!

  3. John - I am riding with ABB on their Across America North trip this summer. I am riding for the American Lung Association. Best of luck. You can find my blog at Mark's Ride Across America on blogspot. Best of Luck!

  4. What a great read this has already become - only on your last and first page! You ARE a great blogger. Your family, especially "Big Jay" must be so proud of you.

    I bicycled with your dad in 1990 - He came to my home too, when we were on the Little Falls-Latham stretch (I'm near Schenectady).

    Like you and your dad, I too cherish the memories of all the great people I met and things I saw.

    "Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you" - Simon & Garfunkle, "Bookends"

    Robert Bump
    Schenectady NY
