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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 47 -- Canandaigua to Liverpool -- 70 Miles

I am running out of positive adjectives to describe our daily rides. Honestly -- at the end of each ride, I sit back and think about how enjoyable it was, but I am afraid that I never am able to properly convey it on the blog without coming off as a broken record. Oh well -- I am having fun every day, and you'll just have to take my word for it -- repetitive as it may be.

Anyway, relatively short day today -- yes, 70 miles equals a short ride these days -- strange, I know. Conditions were favorable throughout the day, and I managed to ride at a comfortable pace for the duration.

Some of the highlights of the ride include: pedaling along the Erie Canal (we will be doing that again tomorrow), visiting the first house that One Eleven Robb and his wife owned (in Liverpool, NY), and enjoying a post-ride lunch at Heid's -- a famous landmark in central New York.

A couple of other interesting moments included riding along Farrell Road as we entered the greater Liverpool area. Also, when we visited One Eleven Robb's old house, we chatted with the current owner -- whose last name was Farrell. Any "Farrell encounter" is a good one -- two in one day is special!

We have some fun planned for tonight. One Eleven Robb has a brother, Rick, who lives 15 minutes from our hotel. Rick and his wife, Linda, have invited the entire bike group to their house for dinner and drinks. It should be a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to it!

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  1. Hi John,
    Love following your amazing journey (and your Dad's comments) every day. What an incredible feat.Just can't wrap my head around your biking 70 miles before lunch and calling that a "short ride"! Looking forward to hearing the extended color commentary on the beach in a few weeks. Meanwhile enjoy every minute/mile of the next week. God bless you and all your bikers buddies.
    your M-i-L

  2. Thank you for calling Punchy. God bless Gordie, you and your fellow bikers.

    Not sure what Mom and I did, BUT IT WORKED. Can you understand how thrilled I was for Punchy to describe you to me at 6 a.m.?

    You and Mary deserve a "you" (AND MARY)! God bless you. Travel safe. I love you and I am so damn proud of you that words cannot adequately convey my pride. Travel safe. Love ya, D
