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Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 48 -- Liverpool to Little Falls -- 80 Miles

"They don't call it the 'Cross Country Easy,' they call it the 'Cross Country Challenge!'"
Michele Sahli, Tour Director - 2010

What a day! We endured non-stop torrential downpours for 80 miles. No exaggeration --it was teeming from the moment we left our hotel in Liverpool, to the moment we arrived in Little Falls. Unfortunately, it never really warmed up either -- temperatures remained in the low 60's throughout the course of the ride.

As you would imagine, I become much more cautious when it's raining and I am in the saddle. I don't like to ride too close to anyone, and I don't like people right on my wheel either. It's not worth it. This is especially true since we have come so far on this trip -- the last thing anyone needs is a careless accident resulting from riding too close in bad weather.

That said, I managed to ride a reasonable distance from other riders, and at a very comfortable pace. Admittedly, it was slower than my normal pace, but there was no reason to rush -- after all, we were drenched from jump street, so what's a few more minutes going to matter, right?

The ride was not very taxing from a physical perspective, and I felt great after 80 miles. Aside from the normal mental challenges of riding in the rain, the only thing that really bothered me was dealing with wet socks. Seriously, is there anything in the world worse than wet socks? I think not. I know "Mama Hurls" would agree with me on that one.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Latham, NY, where I will meet up with one of my best friends (and 4-year college roommate) -- Mike Smiley -- a current assistant basketball coach at nearby Union College. I am looking forward to it -- should be a lot of fun!

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1 comment:

  1. Another famous roundballer claimed: "Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in."

    ~ Bill Bradley ~

    Chalk today's arrival up to persistence!

    Tomorrow, I fly home from Detroit. I will finally be east of you again! I will keep my eyes peeled out the window to see if I can catch a glimpse of you and your crew! When that plane flies over...
